Mark here... We're on to the next episode, "Little Girl I want to Marry You". This was another really good episode with lots of character development. Laurel and I discussed how the show is so good with conveying even subtle points. One plot line here is Tyra trying to get her mom to stop being dependent on men and get herself a job. As it turns out there's a position at Buddy Garrity's for a receptionist. Tyra convinces Buddy (with Tim Riggins help) to give her mom an interview. On the way to the interview they have a flat tire and the mom can barely handle fixing a tire. Tyra has to convince her mom that they can change a tire without a man and the mom is barely willing to even try. When they finally arrive, it's after the big game and Tyra goes up to tell Buddy his mom is here. Buddy tells her he filled the position, but once he sees Tyra's mom he conveniently forgets this and hires her. With just a look Tyra conveys that she knows whats going on. We've seen the good and bad in Buddy but we can't help thinking the mom got the job because of her looks. When the mom tells Tyra she got the job, Tyra asks how her mom did with the typing test (it was supposed to be 50 words per minute) and what the salary was. Her mom responds it never came up. Tyra at first questions this while the mom is oblivious. You can see Tyra choose to just let it battle at a time!
Separately Matt Saracen's dad has to go back to Iraq. Unfortunately he has to leave before the big game. It's the right decision for all, but it's too bad the dad can't express any emotion. Even leaving, Matt hugs him goodbye and he can barely manage a hug in response.
There's also a subplot of the Taylors going to dinner at the Mayor's house. The town mayor is a tough salty older woman, who apparently has a female partner the town is unaware of. Laurel and I talked about how the town doesn't see that the mayor is a lesbian. I think the town just sees what they want to see. Also the fact that the mayor is an older women means that (unfortunately), the town just doesn't see her as a sexual being, so it's easier to just see her as a single older woman. In any case, she wants Tami Taylor to be a part of her re-election campaign. I can't help but thinking trouble is ahead, this being a small town in Texas. The coach is clearly uncomfortable and thinks the mayor just wants the coach's wife on her campaign (probably true). But Tami's response is classic, "Get Over It". She knows this may be true but she sees potential for what she could get done.
Also, Smash's steroid use is finally discovered by his mother. It sorts itself in a not so dramatic way though. Eventually Coach and his mom forgive him and it seems like all are willing to brush it under the rug, provided Smash agrees to private drug testing. It's a bit anticlimactic to be honest, but Smash is an interesting character so its good he didn't get kicked off the team.
Hi Laurel here..I just wanted to add in the Smash situation what a tough position both the coach and Smash's mom are in...The mom immediately ran to the coach to chew him out when she found the steroids because she couldn't even imagine that her son would have done this on his own. This put coach in the terrible position of reporting this like he should and ruining Smash's football career, or keeping it to himself and sticking his neck WAY out in the process. We'll see what happens but it's not a good situation for anyone. It just goes to show how much pressure these kids are under, and that they don't see any other path besides being successful in football whatever the cost.
Also I think it's so awesome that the show is exploring a lesbian character. The whole town is obviously totally in denial about the Mayor's sexuality and it would be super easy for the show to not address this but I think it's a real credit to the writers that they are making this an issue, even if it doesn't go anywhere. At this point it remains to be seen...
Also Mark and me talked a bit about Tyra and her mom. I think their whole family (mom, Tyra, and sister) are stuck in a situation that they all decide to handle in different ways. They are all super hot, and of course they all want to use their feminine wiles to their advantage...The mom in just oblivious that men are trying to take advantage of her, the sister is fully aware and just goes with it, but Tyra is trying to walk the line somewhere between the 2. She is too smart to ignore her feminine powers completely but also knows she is much more than that and she shouldn't put herself in a position to be disrespected. I see both sides it's tough to know where to draw the line with that stuff. We'll see what happens...
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