Saturday, July 13, 2013

Bubble & Squeak

This recipe come from the 2 Fat Ladies.  Its meant to be hangover food for late nights but we though it worked perfectly well for breakfast as well.  The original recipe militantly called for lard, but we had leftover duck fat, which I think is a fine substitute.  The general idea is that butter won't do the recipe justice...and don't even think about oil!


cooled cooked potatoes (I used 4 for the 2 of us and had extra, I boiled them until tender)
duck fat
1 onion, chopped
half a cabbage, shredded and blanched
kosher salt

First mash/chop the potatoes up.  In a cast iron skillet fry the onion in about 2 tablespoons of the duck fat over medium heat.  Add the potatoes and cabbage and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Add more duck fat on top, a few dollops around the pan.  Press into the fat and cook about 15 minutes.  Flip or turn over to brown the other side.  Again dollop the skillet with more duck fat.  Once, its all evenly browned and not burned, its done.

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