Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Demi-Glace / Foyot

This recipe is from way back when we watched the Buffy Season finale, "Prophecy Girl".  I won't repeat the recipes for steak or fries.  The Bearnaise recipe is also already posted, the difference with the Foyot Sauce is that I added about a tablespoon and a half of demi-glace.

This recipe uses Anthony Bourdain's recipe as a base, though I was nowhere near as exact as he is about it...:)


Bones (I had beef/steak bones)
Tomato Paste

Peeled, roughly chopped onions
Peeled, roughly chopped carrots
Peeled, roughly chopped celery
2 bay leaves
fresh thyme

Peeled, chopped red onion

First preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.  On a baking sheet toss the bones with about a tablespoon or so of tomato paste (depending on how many bones) and same amount of flour (just dust the bones). Roast the bones to a brown color.

On a separate baking sheet, add peeled onions, carrots and celery.  The Bourdain recipe says to add about half as many onions as you have bones. I certainly didn't do that.  I probably had equal as many onions, only a couple carrots and a quarter celery.  Be careful about adding salt and pepper.  I may have added a little but remember this will reduce.

When everything has roasted and is carmelized/browned.  Dump into a large pot, top with water, add 2 bay leaves, a bunch of fresh thyme and some peppercorns.  Simmer for several hours. When done, you'll have made stock.

This is where I deviated from the Bourdain recipe.  In another stockpot, I added some Bourbon and chopped red onion, then added all the stock and reduced.  It takes a while and you only get a little demi-glace in the end, but I only use a little each time.  Again, for the Foyot Sauce, I only added about a tablespoon and a half.  The rest can then be frozen.

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