Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hurricane Dawson!

Laurel and I are settling in with our Dark-N-Stormys for Episode 5, "Hurricane"! We've made Chicken Pot Pie and an Arugula Salad and the weather here has thunderstorms conveniently predicted...

Well, here we this episode all the characters get stuck together to weather out the storm Jen and her Grams and Joey and her sister's family end up at Dawson's and Pacey and his older brother wind up at ...wait for it... Ms. Jacob's place, because she is too "scared" to weather the storm alone.  We also find out Pacey's older brother is an in-the-closet cop.  I remember when I saw this years ago the brother was supposed to be sort of mean, but now just seems more comical.  At one point, in a dramatic turn, he pulls his gun on Pacey in attempt to get him to say the brother is not gay...after spending the previous few hours debating the finer points of West Side Story and Gypsy, proving not only is he gay, but a 50 year old queen stuck in the body of a 24 year old.  I mean come on, it's supposed to be 1997 and the best we-know-you're-gay references they could come up with was Barbra Streisand and showtunes?!  

We also see Dawson getting his mom to confess to her affair.  Once again, the word soup coming out of Dawson's mouth is that of a 42 year old. It's like James Van Der Beek can barely remember all the lines, let alone "act" them.  His father is caught prepping his dream restaurant, "The Kelp", hoping it will take off and set them all up for life.  I think it's safe to say, a restaurant called "The Kelp" is never going to take off...

Laurel here.. about the affair...Dawson's mom has been keeping her slutty secret for months, but she chooses the night of the hurricane, when they have 5 houseguests over, to confess? Akward much?

Joey continues her habit of spying in people this episode, which makes me think the writers must be doing this on purpose?  We see Dawson come into his room to find Jen sitting in there, has a full conversation with her, then guessed it..JOEY IN THE CLOSET AGAIN!  which means she must have been hiding in there since before Jen even came into the room alone.  For how long?  An hour?  Longer?  So weird.  Then later in the episode she is hiding on the floor in the corner of the porch (ignoring the many available wicker seating options).  Jen comes out to have a cigarette (bad city girl!) and asks Joey what she is doing, to which she replies "Oh, just watching Mr. Leary"...who is sitting in his car, clearly trying to have a moment alone since his house is full of neighbors, contemplating the fact that his wife is having an affair.  Joey Lurkenstein strikes again.

Favorite quote from this episode...Joey: "You're life IS a hurricane"  Dawson: "It's too late for metaphors, Joey."  Mark and I were talking about how James Van Der Beek is kind of a bad actor as Dawson but we agreed it's partially because they write him as a grown up.  His vocabulary is off the charts and the way he thinks and talks about things are not at all how a teenager is supposed to.  How is a teenage actor supposed to sell that stuff?  They are trying to make him a 42 year old trapped in a teenage body but how is a teenage actor supposed to handle that?  Meanwhile his parents totally act and talk like teenagers...

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