Saturday, November 12, 2011


Mark here.... Wow! This one was kind of fun...  Joey's sister has her baby and of course an ambulance can't make it to Cape Cod in the off-season.  So they end up at Dawson's (after rowing across the creek...totally realistic).  Conincidentally, Jen's Grams lives next door and is a retired nurse.  Grams really shines in this episode.  Previously she was a one-dimensional religious schoolmarm but here she whips everyone into shape to deliver this baby.  Dawson of course wants to film the whole thing, not at all creepy or gross.  Dawson's parents are nowhere to be seen, but I'm sure they won't mind a little blood on the living room carpet.  I know when I was a teenager and my parents were out, they wouldn't question blood all over the carpets.

Meanwhile, the secret's out with Pacey and Ms. Jacobs and once again Pacey is the adult in the relationship...confessing to the school board that it was all a fantasy and nothing REALLY happened.  Exit Ms. Jacobs...

Laurel here...I agree on all points.  I'm curious to see if Dawson's parents acknowledge in any future episode that someone gave birth to a baby in their living room.  There was blood everywhere.  Aren't kids supposed to have parties when their kids are away?

When Ms. Jacobs breaks the news that she is leaving, she talks to Pacey about how their relationship has to end, blah blah blah..and they hug a bunch ON HER FRONT PORCH!!!  I mean, seriously it would have been safer (and more fun) to just do it one more time in the privacy of her home than to do a bunch of PDA on the front porch of her beach house, basically in public.

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