Sunday, November 13, 2011


Mark this episode, "Boyfriend"...totally weak after last episode which was soo good! Jen's ex shows up from New York and the whole episode is a back and forth with him Dawson. Jen asks if he can stay with Dawson....totally unrealistic. The pay off is that Jen breaks up with Dawson at the end of the episode, after a lot of drama.  Really, we like Jen and think that the poor writing shows here.  She never should have been with Dawson and the boyfriend from New York is a bad excuse for the break up since he's been kind of a dick to her for a while.

Meanwhile Pacey continues to be awesome. He saves Joey from a douchebag at a party when she gets drunk, and continues to be the "adult in the room" character.

Laurel here...I agree it's a good thing that Jen broke up with Dawson, but I think it's BS that her ex had to show up to be the catalyst.

Also in this episode we finally see Dawson's parents again.  They acknowledge the affair and are trying to work through it via couples scuba diving (!) etc.  However, there is still no mention of the fact that a neighbor gave birth in their living room while they were away, the mom presumably at work, the dad doing god knows what...

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