Saturday, November 5, 2011

Back to the Creek!

For our first show, we've decided to go back to Dawson's Creek, Season One.  For dinner, Laurel made Mac-n-Cheese with Gruyere and Heirloom Tomatoes and a Lentil Soup.  I made a salad with Arugula and Onions.

You will find the recipes for our dinners either at the the end of the post or sometimes we may post them the next day...but for now on to DAWSON"S CREEK!

We just watched the pilot episode...hello 90's!  Egads are these kids wordy! The show opens with Dawson, Joey and Dawson's forehead discussing growing up and genitalia, in an awkward conversation in which even the actors seem uncomfortable.  Then it's onto the credits and Paula Cole...once again, hello 90s! We're introduced to neighborhood friend Pacey and new-girl-from-New-York-with-a-secret-past Jen.

Laurel here...The first time we see Dawson's parents they are dry humping in the living room and Pacey and Dawson walk in on them.  what?  The actors are both way too young to be parents of a teenager, and the father looks like a playgirl model...not in a good way.  He also looks to be in no way related to Dawson.  The other grown up we meet in this first episode is a woman who comes into the video store where Dawson and Pacey work.  She is wearing a dress that is super short and basically just a slip, she flirts a bunch with Pacey, then asks to rent...wait for it...the GRADUATE.  Then when school starts it turns out she is their new english teacher.  I smell trouble for Pacey!!

So far all of the outfits are awesomely 90s...the boys wear giant button down shirts and pleated pants, the girls wear cropped jackets, scrunchies, floral dresses..the works!

My favorite line from this episode...Dawson tells Joey that he expects her to be more understanding, to which Joey replies "All I DO is understand!!"

Mark again...I like when Dawson is showing Jen all the Speilberg posters in his room (and enough with the Speilberg already! we get it!), he gets to his closet and there's a Schindler's List poster...there were really Schindler's List posters mass printed?!? Anyway, the rest of the episode is lots of salacious talk, Pacey kissing his teacher, Joey and Jen not hitting it off...very scandalous for a pilot I will say.  At the end, we get to Joey and Dawson in Dawson's room again talking about their changing friendship, and how they can't talk about certain things anymore.  Although after watching this episode, I find it hard to believe anything is off limits...but Joey asks Dawson how often he "walks the dog".  It took us old timers a few minutes to figure that one out...but Dawson doesn't tell Joey until she has left.  He yells out the window..."Every morning during the Today Show with Katie Couric!" and instantly Laurel and I are scarred for life.  The last cliffhanger is Joey seeing Dawson's mom kissing another man... like I said, all in all pretty scandalous for a pilot!

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