Saturday, November 5, 2011


Mark here... Episode 4 "Discovery", we open to Joey and Dawson in Dawson's room discovering the video that Dawson accidentally shot of Ms Jacobs doing it with a guy they can't see, who we know is Pacey. Cut to Paula Cole! I think we've decided this song is always inappropriate to whatever is going on in the episode!

Shocker! Dawson finds out his mom is having an affair right before his parents anniversary.  And Joey knew and didn't tell him... Everyone keeps telling Dawson how "perceptive" he is yet he can't figure out his best friend is in love with him or that his other best friend (Pacey) is screwing with the teacher. Clearly he's the most clueless of all of them.

So the episode goes on to show us Pacey continuing his affair with the teacher and everyone dancing around sex issues.  To quote Joey: "All this subtext is making me tired". Me too.

Laurel here... Also in this episode Jen confesses to Dawson about her slutty past (which has been alluded to the whole time) and he has a big problem with it.  If he wasn't busy being so "perceptive" he would have maybe thought about the fact that this girl from the big city got shipped off by her parents to live with her grandma in the suburbs...

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