Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Training

Laurel here...blerg.

Well this episode was super boring. Brandon and Steve coach a competitive little league baseball team from West Beverly Hills who turn out to be good at baseball but bad at sportsmanship. Do you smell a lesson coming?

Turns out Nat from the Peach pit also coaches a little league team (the Pitts), but they are good at sportsmanship and bad at baseball. Brandon and Dylan spend a few afternoons teaching them some fundamentals, Andrea brings in a ringer (she somehow knows a girl baseball prodigy from the Valley?), they set up a few practice games with the rich kid's team and everyone learns a thing or two.

I wish that the baseball part was the most boring thing about this episode but wait, there's more! A stray dog follows Brenda home while she is jogging and she spends the episode trying to convince her family to let her keep him, but in the end the dog finds his owner, one of the kids on the little league team. Snoozefest!

Mark here... I agree totally, I have to say, some of this season has really been the show finding it's footing and many of the "classic" story lines have yet to happen. So we find ourselves slogging through these filler episodes of "Very Special" teaching moments and "wacky" subplots.... Good grief! No wonder the show was on the rocks about renewal in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, some of the early episodes are awesome when they focus on high school, but the other episodes are painful.

Style award this episode goes to...Steve! for his crazy baseball half shirt style. Runner up is Dylan for his crazy baseball outfit, super high waisted pants that really show off his girlish figure. We think he is actually the skinniest person on the show, except maybe for Donna.

Cocktail moments:
Anytime Brenda is with the dog...those moments need lubrication!

Whenever Jim yells at somebody...his back is out this episode and boy is he grumpy!

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