On to the episode...we're at least not dealing with another "Very Special Episode" here, although the writing is a little melodramatic. This episode is called, "Spring Dance" and the gang is preparing for the spring dance. Andrea of course wants Brandon to ask her, but Brandon doesn't want to go...until Kelly asks him. Steve is jealous and there's an annoying plot line of Steve being a jerk and wanting to reunite with Kelly. This whole storyline is just boring and we just don't care enough about Steve and he behaves like too much of a jerk to care. Steve ends up going to the dance with Donna, who's plot line basically involves wearing an impractical dress and trying to sit down.
The better part of the episode involves Brenda losing her V-card to Dylan. Dylan has reserved a room in the hotel and they disappear during the dance to do the deed. It's at least a bit of realism, as we saw Brandon do it back in episode 2. Also, Kelly's reaction and congratulating Brenda is nice. The plus of this episode is that the focus is back on teen drama. Of course, then we have ugly duckling Andrea. First, she sits home in sweats watching some budget version of "Carrie" eating ice cream...but just in time she makes it to the dance in what looks like her mom's pillow case. And of course Beverly Hills is just a hop, skip and a jump from her home in Van Nuys...
Laurel here...I agree with Mark that it's really nice to get back to an episode that focuses on high school stuff and the relationships between the characters instead of yet another episode about racism, tumors, underprivileged kids, stray dogs, etc.
The funniest part of this episode for me is Andrea being indignant about going to the dance, to the point where she stays home and watches a prom horror movie in her sweats while everyone else is having fun when we all know what she really wants is to be part of the gang and hang out with the cool kids. What prompts her to go to the dance in the long run is that she has a daydream after she watches the movie that she is the Carrie character, disgruntled to the point that she tries to kill Kelly with a chainsaw (amazing image by the way, see style award). I think that we are supposed to identify with her and root for her as the underdog but she is just so annoying and unlikeable that it doesn't work. She's the worst.
Style award this episode goes to...Andrea! For her daydream horror chainsaw getup.
David Silver winning the dance contest with his crazy wanna be hip hop moves. Or move, rather. just one.
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