Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Only a Test

Mark here... Laurel and I are settling in with some very tasty vegetarian chili that Laurel made, and a bit of wine. The wine is very necessary for this episode...called, "It's Only A Test". Of course there are 2 tests here. First the gang is preparing for the SATs and second Brenda finds a lump on her breast. Jeesum Crow...this one goes above and beyond "Very Special Episode" as we're treated to questions about Brenda's period and discharge from her nipples.... Eeegg, pour me some more wine please. Anyway, the episode is mostly Brenda! Brenda! Brenda! and all things surrounding Brenda feel super preachy. I had hoped Cindy Walsh might shine through, but unfortunately she had a sister who died of cancer so she's freaking out as much as Brenda, who finally has a reason to be a raging bitch and doesn't hold back. There is a funny moment where Kelly and Donna are attempting to console Brenda and Kelly says "I hope nothing ever happens to my breasts" to which Donna replies "me too!" Ahem.

There's also a subplot about Andrea and Steve and SAT mayhem, but I'll leave most of that for the cocktail moments...

Laurel here...Brandon really shines in the episode, he is the perfect brother, really holding it together for Brenda and Cindy, even though he is freaking out. Although the person he confides in...Andrea. Does he want it to be on the front page of the West Beverly Blaze?

Also noteworthy is the way Brenda discovers her lump...Brenda, Kelly, and Donna are all at Kelly's place studying for the SATs, but of course Kelly is just reading a magazine. She finds pull out instructions in her copy of YM or whatever and the girls all decide to do a breast exam together. Excuse me? What high school girls would ever decide to do a breast exam together?

And as for Steve and Andrea, I just think I threw up a little bit in my mouth. Like Mark said please see cocktail moments for more detail.

Style award this episode...Cindy! For her take-your-daughter-to-get-her-lump-checked business suit. Way to go Cindy!

Cocktail moments:

Andrea freaks out! Brandon uses the word "masticate" (btw referring to Andrea chewing all the pencils at the school paper office...eew) which leads to Andrea having a complete bitchy freak out about how fancy SAT prep courses give rich kids an unfair advantage. waaahhh! Hand me my wine!

Then Andrea barreling down the school stairs in a crazy freak out to get SAT tips from...Steve?! He's one of the rich kids taking the offending fancy private any case Andrea's craziness requires a drink...

...leading to Andrea and Steve studying at Steve's and...KISSING?!?! Thats another drink for sure!

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