So this episode hinges on whether or not the Walshes are all going to have to move back to Minneapolis. Jim gets a big job offer for double his salary and decides he can't pass it up..The episode basically focuses on all the gang saying goodbye to each other. Steve is a total dick to Brandon because he can't deal with the possibility of Brandon leaving, Dylan and Brenda decide to try a long distance relationship but then Brenda changes her mind and breaks up with him, and Kelly offers for Brenda to stay at her place for the summer. All sort of believable, except for Andrea's reaction. She offers to have sex with Brandon, as a "goodbye present" (your present is me!) AND BRANDON ACCEPTS!!!! Are you fucking kidding me? I am so flummoxed/grossed out I don't even know what to say. What nerdy high school girl offers herself up as a present? Not to mention a judgey higher than thou nerd? What? It just makes no sense.
Mark here...I will say that my one note from the Andrea-Brandon hook-up possibility: "UGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" (no exaggeration). I realize that all season we are supposed to be rooting for Andrea in some sort of 80s movie nerd-makes-good sort of way, but it doesn't work. We hate Andrea, she's unrelatable. Maybe another actress could have made the character likable, but here you just don't believe Brandon would go for her. I guess that's why nothing ever happens.
One moment I thought was funny is Dylan's reaction to finding out Brenda is moving, "There's so much we haven't done". Given last episode, both Laurel and I had this reaction..."Blow Jobs," "Anal Sex," "69"...etc...
I will say I'm glad we've reached the end of this season...the series doesn't seem to have found it's footing in teen soapiness yet and while the teen stuff we've seen is fun, the "lessons" are unbearable and really a blast from the past...really modern teen shows would never push this moral crap, because it would kill their ratings. Here, I think they will recover because there wasn't anything like this on TV and their photogenic leads...
Laurel the end the Walshes decide to stay in California after all because Jim is so touched by the goodbye party the gang throws for them at the peach pit. The cliffhanger of the season finale...Brenda tells Dylan she is late!!! You know, late.
Style award this episode goes to Brandon/Andrea! For Andrea's outfit in Brandon's dream about their hookup. Let's just say I never really visualized the phrase "$10 hooker" until today.

Cocktail moments this episode: When Steve is fighting with a little tiny jock guy and losing. Brandon tries to comfort him by saying, "that guy was built like a wide load truck". Um, he was smaller than both Brandon and Dylan so I'm not sure which guy he was talking about. Side note... Steve wears an eyepatch for the rest of the episode after getting his ass kicked.
Also whenever Brandon and Andrea have to pretend they have chemistry. At one point they kiss and it looks like Andrea is trying to eat poor Brandon's whole head. You need a drink because it's so awkward.
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