Saturday, February 11, 2012

Every Dream Has Its Price (Tag)

Mark here... On to episode 3! This is the first episode we've watched with the classic theme song, albeit in an extreme casio version.

The episode is about Brenda meeting Kelly's old bad girl friend, who leads Brenda into the world of shoplifting, though Brenda never partakes. Her parents are skeptical though. Brandon copes with finding a part-time job at a Beverly Hills restaurant populated by a-holes. One part Laurel and I found entertaining, which we think was a benefit of watching the tv episode, was the recurring background playing of "Dirty Cash (Money Talks)" by The Adventures of Stevie V ( I googled it). Of course it played while Brenda was tempted with shoplifting herself. At the end the one of Brandon's arc though he finds himself with a job at Beverly Hills only hometown (non-existent) diner, The Peach Pitt!

Laurel here...I'm so glad we are watching these on tv vs the DVD version!! As we noted in a previous post, they don't have the same music rights for the DVDs, so the real songs that they used originally are replaced by weird muzak in the DVD versions and it makes a huge difference! I forgot all about that money talks song and was happy to hear it.

The Walsh's get a housekeeper this episode, much to Cindy's dismay. Who gripes about getting a housekeeper? I mean we get it, your from Minnesota, but come on...having a housekeeper is awesome!!

The way Brandon quits his job at the douchbag restaurant is sort of awesome. He is shocked to discover that the immigrants who work in the kitchen aren't even making minimum wage. I have to say I think he handles himself pretty well considering he probably doesn't have much experience with the plight of minority immigrants... He takes off his uniform and sort of throws it at the owner, while announcing something to the effect of "I'm an investigative reporter and I'm gonna do an exposé on you and people will read it and not want to eat here anymore!". Um, you're an "investigative reporter" at west Beverly high. Somehow I think that the restaurant will survive your scathing exposé.

The winner of the style award for this episode....Dylan again! Again for hip hop overalls. This time in light blue denim, and he didn't cover any of it up with a jacket this time, we got the full experience.

Cocktail Moments:

Any moment with Cindy Walsh and the housekeeper, it's bizarre and weirdly offensive.

Brenda after getting caught shoplifting with new friend. New friend tries to tell her woe is me story. Brenda responds deadpan, "My Heart Bleeds". Few moments so far have summed up Brenda's bitchiness so perfectly.

And of course, our first appearance of Nat, A.K.A. Joe E. Tata

1 comment:

  1. what;s the name of the song that is playing while Brenda is standing at the lockers ( just after the garden scene with Cindy and the maid)
