Saturday, May 24, 2014

Pass, Not Pass

Mark here...this episode revolves mainly around Brenda and Andrea, with a subplot about Brandon and his new car.  It's kind of funny as Brenda and Andrea both have the hots for their acting teacher, and surprise, surprise he likes Andrea!  Really?! Andrea!!  I mean I know it's like the bitch or the bore, but really...  So of course Brenda is a bitch when it turns out teach likes Andrea, culminating in a slap during an acting "scene" in which Brenda really slaps Andrea (see below!). Andrea is her typical annoying self the ENTIRE episode, pretty unbearable.  How did she ever get cast?  Who likes her?  There's a scene with her in the teacher where it is painfully obvious she is way older than the teacher, yet she acts the lovestruck teenager.  And by "acts" I mean overacts.  She "ums" and stutters her way through every moment to the point where you want to sleep her like Brenda did, repeatedly!!  In the end, teach has a girlfriend and was using Andrea, and she makes up with Brenda.  Of course it helps that Dylan has returned from Hawaii and Brenda has  bigger fish to fry.

Separately, Brandon finally buys the car he has been saving up for all summer...or at least the last 4 episodes, and it's a lemon.  Fortunately, Jim and Cindy come to the rescue and fix it up for him.  It's boring, but Jim and Cindy once again prove themselves the greatest parents.  I know when we were young they seemed so it's like, who wouldn't want these parents?  They are always understanding.  They made Brandon work the whole summer for his car, after totaling the last one in a drunk driving accident.  But have now decided that's all in the past and to buy him a new car.  The past being 3 months ago, which n teenage years is a lifetime.

Hey Laurel here...not much to add except to complain more about Andrea...I mean really, we are supposed to believe her teacher is older than her, but she's the one with crow's feet.  Which leads us to our quote of the episode!  Andrea says to her teacher "You're eyes do this cute little crinkling thing when you smile"  His eyes are crinkly?  Girl, check a mirror.

This also ties into our cocktail moment.  When the teacher says to Andrea "We shouldn't do this.  If only you were 5 years older..."  Dude, if she was 5 years old she would be old enough to be your momma!

Style award this episode goes to Cindy for her peach blouse and pants outfit.  Her pants and shirt match so perfectly it looks like she's wearing a onesie.  Way to go Cindy!

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