Saturday, March 22, 2014

Flight of The Phoenix

Mark here... We're on to episode 9 of Battlestar Galactica, Season 2.  This episode is called "Flight of the Phoenix".  Basically this episode follows up last episode by showing us how worn out the crew of Galactica is.  At the same time Galactica is infected with a Cylon virus.  The flight deck crew decides to deal with their frustration by building a new fighter.  We see the build up with the tension between Chief and Helo over Sharon and Chief decides to focus his issues into something productive.  The repair crew has seen many fighters destroyed and they decide to do what they can to build a new one. Problem is they have few materials.  In the end, the end up building a stealth fighter out of unconventional materials.  The episode is clearly a bit of filler from the main plot line but it's nice to see the crew working together. In the end the also name the fighter "Laura" in honor of Roslin, a nice testament to everyone's faith in her.

Separately, the Cylon virus is dealt with by trusting Caprica-Sharon...who proves herself useful, though the humans are clearly still skeptical...

Hey Laurel here...I'm still not totally sure, but it seems that this episode we learn that The Cylon plants can actually overcome their programming and exert some free will if they are strong enough...we still are not sure whether we can trust her or not, but it seems like the surviving Sharon overcomes her Cylon programming to save the Galactica fleet by "plugging herself in" to the Cylon network and basically hacking the Cylon fleet so that Galactica has the remains to be seen if this is actually true in the long run but in this case Sharon seems to have overridden her Cylon directive.  Even if this is true though will she ever be able to regain our trust completely?

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