Saturday, March 22, 2014

Final Cut

Mark here... Laurel and I are watching the next episode of Battlestar Galactica, "Final Cut".  I've made us some Bow Tie Carbonara courtesy of Jamie Oliver.  Laurel has made some garlic bread and Broccoli Almondine.

This episode has Lucy Lawless guest starring as a reporter in the fleet covering a story of an incident that happened while Col Tigh was in charge of the fleet.  The episode plays out as a "filler" episode at first.  It's still interesting but we are lead to believe that D'Anna Biers (Lucy Lawless) is simply an overeager reporter in the fleet. In the footage she shoots we see the overworked soldiers on Galactica and how Roslin and Adama want to show a "warts and all" view of them, no matter what.  At the same time we see the guilt Tigh feels over the incident.  The catch though is that Biers can't show the pregnant Caprica-Sharon.  We think all is good as the end shows Biers' report as a inspirational portrait of Galactica's crew.  Fake out! D'Anna Biers is another Cylon! The end of the episode shows another D'Anna viewing the footage back on Caprica with the other Cylons!

Hi Laurel here...nothing to add really, but what a twist!  We think Lucy Lawless is a sympathetic human reporter showing the human side of Galactica, but it turns out she's a Cylon?!?  She has clearly built some trust with Roslin and Adama by making her piece show Galatica in a positive light, I wonder how she will use her newfound trust?

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