Saturday, July 11, 2015


Mark we're on to the next episode of Buffy, "Passion"... this was a good episode but with a some caveats.  I know we are watching this episode years later so I have to temper my opinion....

First let me describe what happened...  Essentially this episode, we see Jenny Calendar trying to make up for her gypsy past.  We see her at the beginning of the episode trying to recreate the magic spell that gave Angel his soul. Unfortunately, psychic Drusilla sees this and Angel is on to Jenny.  He ends up cornering her in the school and breaking her neck.  What we see is that Jenny has found the spell and stored it on a floppy disk.  A disk that by the end of the episode has fallen between the desk and a file cabinet.  So the big drama of the episode is Angel killing Jenny!

On to my thoughts... So this episode was very dramatic when it aired.  A presumably major character just got killed by Angel.  Also it reveals that Angel is not going to just be "talked down" from being evil.  At the time I understand the drama of the episode. Watching it now... I hate Jenny Calendar, so good riddance.  Also, evil Angel is annoying.  Evil Angel on the show Angel serves a purpose.  Here,  he's also kind of annoying and given that I never bought the Buffy-Angel romance, I'm not so invested.  Honestly, the most dramatic moment comes at the end when Buffy rescues a vengeful Giles from attacking Angel.  I'll let Laurel go into that.

Essentially, I liked the episode but I also like getting rid of Jenny Calendar.  I recognize the drama of the episode in that it upped the stakes going forward for the series.  Unfortunately, watching it now, it didn't have the dramatic umph...

Hey Laurel here...I agree!  I would have been so much more into this episode if I gave any fucks about Jenny Calendar.  I know we are supposed to like her and we are supposed to be super effected by her death but neither me or Mark care about her at good riddance!   Mark remembers everything that is coming up but I don't, so I am just hoping that her leaving the show makes room for somebody way more awesome.

Like Mark said the best moment of this episode is a small interaction between Buffy and Giles...Giles is no where to be found after Jenny's death, but the gang suspects that he has gone to "the factory" to exact revenge on Angelus for killing Jenny.  Buffy goes to check it out and low and behold, Giles is unconscious, about to die in a fire that has broken out there after a fist fight with Angel.  She kicks Angel's ass (just enough to distract him, of course) then drags Giles out of the fire.  Giles gets upset because Buffy put herself in danger for him but Buffy gets even more upset and slaps Giles in the face for going to the factory alone and putting himself in danger.  She tells him he can't put himself in danger like that because "she can't do this (be a slayer) without him".  It's a very tender moment where we realize how much these two care about each other.  We loved it, but it also made it even more crystal clear that we don't care at all about Jenny C because we were invested so much more in this 30 second clip than we were about any of the rest of this pivotal episode.

3 stakes!  Would have been more but we just can't muster any concern for Jenny C!

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