Saturday, January 3, 2015


Mark here... we're watching the next episode of Buffy season 2, "Ted".  Boy they really nailed it with this one! John Ritter guest stars as Ted, the guy who Buffy's mom Joyce has been dating.  He is perfectly cast and plays it with an appropriate degree of campiness and creepiness.  Basically, we meet Ted, and Buffy is instantly creeped out by him. Her friends however are impressed by him.  He bakes them cookies and clearly Joyce is taken with him.

Ted is a very "perfect" guy.  He cooks for Joyce and is  a great boyfriend..seemingly.  He shows a dark side initially, but just to Buffy.  Ina game of miniature golf, he threatens Buffy after she cheats at the game. Later Buffy comes to blows with him and he apparently dies after Buffy knocks him down the stairs.  This is a bit of a first for the series, Buffy apparently killing a human.  The writing is a bit weak in that regard. Giles sort of has nothing to say about the matter, except that he will do vampire patrol for a while?  At the same time he makes up with Jenny "Melrose Place" Calendar.

Anyhow, Ted is turns out to be a robot who kills women. It's a simple concept but the show plays it, and John Ritter, perfectly.  In the end, Joyce remembers him as just a bad boyfriend.

Hey Laurel here...this episode was so good!  John Ritter is amazing as the creepy too perfect guy.  Then when he turns on Buffy he amazing as the creepy super creepy guy.

This episode also shows how the gang sticks together and supports each other.  Buffy's mom doesn't believe her when she tries to warn her that Ted is two-faced.  But when Buffy ends up killing Ted, the gang of course whole heartedly believes that there must be something wrong with Ted for Buffy to have killed him, even if it was by accident.

The gang does some digging while Buffy and her mom are feeling guilty/mourning, and discover that he has had 4 marriages but no divorces.  Then when they figure out where he lives they discover all of the wives in the closet!  Gross! But way to go gang!

So Mark and me both agree this is a really good one.  Drumroll please...our first award of 5 stakes!  Check this one out people.

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