Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Walsh Family Christmas

Mark here... we're on to the next episode of 90210...this one is the christmas episode, titled "A Walsh Family Christmas".  And ugggh!! Apparently the writers decided they needed something christmas themed and yet "whimsical"...there aren't enough quotes to put around the term whimsical.

Anyway, the Walshes aren't going back to Minnesota this year and are feeling down. Their tree is dead and when Cindy tries to invite the gang for christmas, everyone has plans. Of course she invites her kids friends because she has none of her own. Well, through a series of wacky events, everyone does ending up showing up at the Walshes' for Christmas eve. Also, there's a side plot of Brenda inviting a weird guy dressed as Santa Claus to dinner.  Really, it's not worth going into.

Steve also tries to find his biological mother...BORING! Really the "wackiness" of christmas is more interesting.

Hey Laurel here.  Not much to add except for my usual Andrea rant.  I'm Jewish, I'm Jewish!  Yeah we get it.

Also Steve's bio mom is dead.  He finds his grandfather though, and they make plans to stay in touch, visit each other, etc.   Funny, I don't think Steve ever mentions him again.  Ever.  Maybe him, Brandon's "little brother" and the gang's black friend are all hanging out together somewhere.

Style award this episode goes to...Cindy!  For her Christmas eve ensemble, crazy neck scarf worn under even crazier apron.  You go Cindy!

The cocktail moment is every time the homeless Santa says "MERRY CHRISTMAS"  Until he gives his little speech at the end I thought that was all he could say.

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