Sunday, February 16, 2014


Mark here... Laurel and I are back blogging Episode 4 of Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica.  Laurel has made us Pasta with Pancetta and peas and a kale salad.  I've made an accompanying lentil vinaigrette salad.

On to the episode....this episode was a little bit slower paced after the last few although there were a couple of interesting things going on.  Basically, while Adama is still recovering, Tigh has declared martial law and President Roslin is still a prisoner in the brig. This causes a great deal of upset in the fleet and several soldiers recognize the problem and devise a plan for Roslin to escape Galactica to the fleet (where she will presumably be able to hide).  Tigh meanwhile, recognizing that leadership is not his thing, can't wait for Adama to recover.  His wife Ellen is the scheming Real Housewives wife whispering in his ear in an attempt to further his power (power he doesn't seem to want).  Once he realizes that Roslin has escaped, and that Lee Adama helped her, he is reluctant to fire upon them.  This actually shows a bit of depth in his character.  He is doing a terrible job of leading the fleet but seems to recognize this and really doesn't want to be responsible for executing his friend's son and the president.

One key thing we find out is that while Baltar is interrogating the Cylon who shot Adama (Sharon), she admits that there are 8 other Cylon models, bringing the total to 12...we've met Doral, Six, Leoben and Sharon...

Meanwhile on Caprica, Starbuck and Helo meet up with the local resistance fighters, who happen to be the Caprica "Pyramid" team.  Essentially, a version of basketball.  This leads to a game of pyramid between Starbuck and the leader of the resistance, Anders.  Its a bit yawn inducing as they have a bit of sexual tension.  Overall, the episode was good but not great.  It really felt like a filler and didn't kept the plot status quo from the previous couple of episodes.

Laurel here...I agree with Mark, this seemed like a little bit of a filler episode, more of Tigh screwing up and more of the fleet being unhappy with it, which is a pause from the real issue at hand, the Cylons.  Anyway Adama wakes up at the end of the episode.   I think we are almost as relieved as Tigh that he is back and will be able to tai some action!  Tigh is a great second in command, willing to be the bad cop all the time but being the bad cop all the time doesn't make for a good fleet commander.  It also doesn't help that the power hungry real housewife is in his ear all the time.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the presidents escape party now that Adama is awake.

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