Saturday, February 23, 2013


Mark here... we're on to episode 6 of "Mad Men".  This episode was called "Babylon", I have to say this episode was a little dryer than the previous two.  Definitely entertaining still, we find out that Joan is having a private affair with Roger Sterling, which is a bit scandalous.  It's also interesting that Joan has no illusions about their affair.  Roger is promising the world.  At least at this point, Joan is having none of it and clearly just enjoying the moment.

Separately, Don and Betty's relationship is interesting to watch evolve.  Clearly they both like each other, yet neither wants to really be married. On top of this Betty confesses to Don that she waits for him to come home every day to sleep with her (essentially).  Yet we know Don has a mistress on the side and disappoints her repeatedly by being too tired or too busy.  How crazy to have no outlet except to just be waiting for someone to come home and fulfill you!

We also get to see Don with his East Village mistress who chooses to bring Don and another would-be lover to some beatnik poet reading, or so it seemed.  This goes pretty awkwardly, and I'm left wondering why she would bring him in the first place.  Is she trying to make Don jealous?  Because clearly he's as uninterested in her life as in the suburban life he shares with Betty!

Laurel here...I agree with Mark on all points, I especially like what he said about Joan.  She is so awesome in terms of navigating the ins and outs of this office.  Don't hate the player hate the game!  She is so smart and is playing the whole office, including roger, like a fiddle.

The other noteworthy thing about this episode is that Peggy is asserting herself as more than just a secretary...The office is working on a lipstick account (belle jolie) where they have all of the secretaries (or chickens, as they call them) participate in a focus group about the array of lipstick colors that all come in a huge box.  Peggy is quiet during the focus group, but expresses to an ad exec later that it made her feel like they were expecting women to define themselves as just a color in the belle jolie box, the beginning of her career as an adman?

Mark here... Yeah the other point of note was Peggy becoming a copywriter.  After, her commentary during the lipstick trials, the men want her to come up with some copy....  Of course she gets no more money and still has to complete all her regular jobs!

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