Saturday, July 7, 2012

Flesh and Bone

Hi Laurel here..This episode focus on a captured cylon (my favorite cylon Leonben) and the episode hinged on a bomb that has been supposedly planted in the galactic fleet somewhere and it fell on Starbuck to question him and find out where the bomb was...

So Adama was ordered to send someone to question the cylon who was the least likely person to allow the prisoner to get into their head...Starbuck seemed like the perfect person for the job but as the episode unfolds both Starbuck and us as viewers find ourselves questioning his motives.  I think we are all prepared to believe he is a cylon because we have seen the same model of him as being confirmed as a cylon in the past, but he does such a good job as being seen as a charismatic human that we all question our own judgment.

Also of note in this episode we learn that the president's cancer is progressing, and that her medication is causing her to have hallucinations...hallucinations or premonitions?  We still don't know...

Mark here...I think this episode was much better than the previous.  As Laurel said, Starbuck is sent to interrogate a Cylon (Leoben) who is known because he is the same model Adama encountered in the pilot.  He succeeds in getting in Starbucks head a bit, despite her torturing him (water torture in a nod to current politics).  She goes in thinking he is a machine but he is able to show human feelings, which causes her to doubt herself. As this happens, Roslin storms in, having grown frustrated with the lack of information.  She immediately breaks off Starbuck's interrogation.  In a quick moment, Leoben is able to grab Roslin and whisper "Adama is a Cylon" in an attempt to plant a seed of doubt.  Roslin is unmoved however and in an awesome scene, orders him thrown out the airlock..which at that point seems drastic to Starbuck (who had been torturing him).

Separately, Sharon, who is the Cylon who only suspects she's a cylon onboard Galactica...she is strangely drawn to the Cylon raider that Starbuck brought aboard.  So much so she goes to Baltar for a Cylon test.  He claims the test isn't ready yet, but then tests her.  When the test confirms her being a cylon, he lies to her and keeps the truth to himself...confirming his shadiness, and treason I guess!

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