Donna tells David that Jackie is pregnant before Mel knows that Jackie is pregnant. Donna tells Kelly that Mel is planning to propose after Jackie finds out she is pregnant but before she tells Mel...I know this is confusing, but basically because of Donna's big mouth Jackie thinks that Mel is proposing only because she is pregnant. Meanwhile Mel has no idea.
It's a total who's on first situation but basically Mel and Jackie love each other but can't seem to talk like grown ups so the kid ruin/save the day. In the end Jackie and Mel are going to get married and have a baby together. Yay!
Mark here... Laurel did a great job of describing the episode. It was actually fairly entertaining. The last few episodes have been entertaining and we're hoping it represents a change of direction for the series! Seriously, finally we're in a territory we remember for the show.
There's a side plot with Andrea picking winning horses at the track with Nat, Brandon and Steve, but really who the fuck cares? And it's not written in any way to make us care anyway...
But the style award goes to Andrea in her Downton Abbey (don't worry we'll get there!) ensemble at
the race track.
I would say the cocktail moment is any reference to Jackie's bun in the oven.